Back40 Sweeps and Spikes - Bolt-on, Knock-on and Row crop
Winkler, MB

Condition: Used
Seller Type: Private Seller
Watching: 4
Views: 61
Back40 Tillage wear parts are made of high wear boron steel.

Offer a wide range of sweeps to fit John Deere, Nichols and Bourgault Quick-Attack Clips, Bolt-on Sweeps and Spikes and Row Crop Sweeps.

We sell direct - off our farm to your farm to give the best price possible!

Order now to get your parts before seeding

8" 5/16" Bolt-on Cultivator Sweep - $12.00

4" Bourgault Knock-on Sweep - $12.00

7.5" John Deere Knock-on Sweep - $13.50

7" Nichols Knock-on Sweep - $14.00

8" 5/16" Bolt-on Chisel Sweep - $18.00

4.5" 1/2" Reversible Spike - $21.00

2" 5/8" Reversible Spike - $23.00

16" Rowcrop Peanut Sweep - $21.50

22" Rowcrop Sweep - $31.50

Other sizes available

Quality doesn't have to be expensive

Take advantage of our weak Canadian Dollar

Check out our website

Call or text 204-362-823seven for more information and to place orders.


Planting/Tillage Equipment TypesField Cultivators
Tillage ManufacturerJOHN DEERE

Suggested Listings

Placeholder profile imagejarrad24
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