2 yr old Perlino stud colt!
Beulah, ND

Watching: 7
Views: 389
Perlino stud colt!

Twotone is a gorgeous yearling Perlino stud colt. That means he is black based. He is also possibly roan and/or Rabicano as well! He's as gentle as can be and built correct. If your looking to start a small breeding herd here's your guy to start your program. He will throw color every time, conformation and best of all - mind, smart, gentle. He is 5 panel nn by parentage. Should mature to be about 14.2-14.3 hh. He is scheduled to get gelded here soon and being sent of for 30 days riding here in April.

He is double bred Sun Frost. With Corona Cartel and PC Chainy Oaks on the top and Pat Cowan on the bottom.

Sire is running barrels and started on both ends of roping. He enjoys cattle work and dragging calves to the fire as well. He's an all around guy! People don't believe he's a stud when we are hauling. Stands 15.3 hh.

Dam was a kids trail horse in her younger days. She's as gentle as they come and the sweetest mare ever. Stands 14.2 hh.

Heres the catch. He's sound for trail riding, basic riding and breeding. Just not performance and running barrels every weekend. He has OCD in his one hock due to over use as a baby. I did include the X-ray of it. Vet confirmed this is what it is from, it is not genetic at all. He is CHEAP because of this!


Broken No
Horse BreedAmerican Quarter
Horse RegistrationAQHA
Horse TypesStallions/Geldings

Suggested Listings

Placeholder profile imageBroken Arrow Ranch
*May Accept Trades