Mickey Mouse Magician Message Pad Phone
Bismarck, ND

Condition: Used
Seller Type: Private Seller
Watching: 1
Views: 74
Mickey Mouse Magician Message Pad Phone - Unisonic - Walt Disney Productions

Basically new, we never used it. We purchased this in the 1980's and have only had it out of the box recently to be sure it works. Approximately 11 inches tall. So it is basically new in box. The phone works, as it can receive calls but you can't call out. Because of today's telephone technology, this phone was built for dial tone, even though it shows touch tone, when you push a number, it generates a dial tone, which doesn't work with touch tone. Please watch my listings as I have a huge collection of Mickey Mouse, some very old, and will be selling all of it.


Item TypeHome Phone

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