2 litters. F1b & F1bb nonshedding. Sire is 18 lb minature poodle and dams are 33-35 lb Springerdoodle. Health tested parents and pups are sold on pet contract and health guarantee. Pups will have been seen by a vet, first shot, dewormed, and socialized...they use a litter pan with Alfalfa and wood pellets. Raised indoor and introduced to different sounds, etc. Deposits are $300 and goes towards the total. We are in Fargo and do our best to meet part way. Ready to go home Jan 28th & 31st.
The pups with white will be colorful as more color will be coming in- whether is ticking, the merle patches growing in size or new merle patches developing or a combo.
We use Euro blood Springer Spaniels. They are built shorter, thicker, not hyper, family oriented, food motivated, and completely happy doing whatever you are. They are very much into their family and lap dogs (love cuddles). Our goal years ago was to produce a healthy dog that would be great as a service/therapy companions for PTSD & Autism, hunting interests, and overall great family addition for all ages. We have many pups placed in service/therapy homes on the East Coast to hunting families in The Dakotas.