Heifer Bulls. Calving Ease. I have 18 registered Black Angus Yearling Bulls to
Hettinger, ND

Watching: 10
Views: 175
Heifer Bulls. Calving Ease. I have 18 registered Black Angus Yearling Bulls to sell. Nice Calving Ease Direct and birthing EPD Heifer bulls. Very docile nature as well. Since weaning, I have had them on Bull Challenger feed which gives great growth while supplying for rumen health and great feet. This is our third year on this feed and tho expensive, it really works great. Bulls won't fall apart when turned out. We sell right off the place. Will feed until delivery and will help with delivery as well. All bulls tested prior to delivery and guaranteed fertil and ready to work. Family herd with almost 50 years experience producing quality bulls. Recently moved this herd to ND. Text is best with our lack of service, but please call or text. Thank you!


BreedBlack Angus
Cattle TypesBulls

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