Iso horse land..
Mandan, ND

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Views: 71
Iso horse land..

Im looking for horse land in ND closest to bismarck the better. But im open too anywhere. I have 4+ horses and I also train client horses as well as give lessons ect. Looking for a place I can have my horses at as well as client horses. Im young and cant afford to buy land yet and Im sick of boarding facilities. Horses are my passion and the only thing im missing is the land. Im looking to board privately, Im more then capable of helping out around the place and im very responsible and respectfu. My budget is low but Im just posting to see if a opportunity may come up and if someone has land sitting around somewhere that they wouldnt mind being used and gave purpose. Im open too fixing it up and I will provide my own hay if need be. thanks.

what im looking for:

- a barn, old and needs some tsc is totally fine

- runs/ outdoor pens, dont need alot

- fenced pasture

- access to water


- arena, dosent have to be fancy I can till it myself

- round pen

- electricity

- space for tack/ feed ect


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